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D&C and Abortion - what's the difference?

D&C and Abortion: What’s the Difference?

D&C and Abortion: What’s the Difference?

A Dilation and Curettage (D&C) and an abortion are both procedures that involve the removal of tissue from the uterus. Still, they are performed for different reasons and may vary in technique and purpose. Here’s a breakdown of what each procedure involves and how they differ.

What Is a D&C?

A D&C is a surgical procedure where the cervix is gently dilated, and a unique instrument called a curette is used to remove tissue from the uterine lining. While a D&C can be part of an abortion, it is also performed for other medical reasons, such as diagnosing or treating abnormal uterine bleeding, removing leftover tissue after a miscarriage, or investigating specific health issues.

Reasons for a D&C:

  • Diagnosing abnormal bleeding
  • Treating incomplete miscarriage
  • Removing polyps or abnormal tissue

What Is an Abortion?

An abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy, which can be performed either medically (with medication) or surgically. A D&C may be one of the methods used for a surgical abortion, especially in the first trimester. Other abortion procedures, like vacuum aspiration, are also commonly used for ending early pregnancies.

Types of Abortion:

  • Medical Abortion: Uses medications to end a pregnancy without surgery.
  • Surgical Abortion (including D&C): Involves the removal of pregnancy tissue via a minor procedure.

Key Differences

While both a D&C and an abortion may involve removing tissue from the uterus, a D&C is not always performed as part of an abortion. A D&C may be done for diagnostic or therapeutic reasons unrelated to pregnancy, whereas an abortion is specifically intended to end a pregnancy.

For more information on abortion procedures or to find a clinic near you, visit Abortion Clinics Online. We’re here to provide clarity and support for all your reproductive health needs.

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