Abortion Clinics Near Me

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Abortion is NOT LEGAL in all states

  1. Select YOUR state to find the status of abortion laws. If abortion is “illegal” in your state search for the nearest clinic near you offering abortions.
  2. Type in CITY or STATE in the search box above.
  3. Click Here to Search by Services above to find clinics by services they offer (late abortion, abortion pill) .

CALL US at 800-455-8130 if you have questions.

Abortion Clinics Online (ACOL) - online directory of abortion clinics

Abortion Clinics Online (ACOL) directory has been online since 1995 and has had over 60MIL visitors. Some of the MOST REPUTABLE and TRUSTED abortion clinics, doctors, and Planned Parenthood clinics are listed here.

Other reliable sources are: AbortionFinder.org and ineedana.com

What you’re about to watch below is happening to little girls and women all over our country. “Republicans Watching Your Daughter” video by Progress Action Fund.

Reversal of Roe v. Wade

On June 24, 2022, the majority Republican appointed US Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, the 49 year old precedent that made abortion legal. This means that because of their decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, abortion will immediately be illegal in certain states, possibly illegal in others, and safe in some states. We work diligently to make sure our information about abortion clinics is current and up to date. As this changes hourly, you can still click on your state and call clinics there who can tell you their status, or select clinics in nearby states for information and services.

Status of Abortion Laws: State by State (Ms. Magazine)

Abortion Laws by State (Center for Reproductive Rights)


Help paying for abortion or travel expenses


DISCLAIMER: Listing a clinic in Abortion Clinics Online does not guarantee that they provide abortion services. Patients should call providers directly in their area for their status, as conditions are fluid and could change daily. We make no representation about availability of services. If you search using Google or Yelp, be sure you are contacting a real abortion clinic and beware of fake clinics.

Receive Abortion Pill by Mail or curbside – find Telehealth abortion providers


Abortion clinics listed here are REAL and do provide abortion care. Beware of FAKE “anti-abortion” centers that advertise as if they are abortion clinics but, DO NOT OFFER abortions, nor do they support people seeking abortions.

We support your RIGHT to CHOOSE. Choose wisely. Watch out for #FakeClinics and AVOID going to Crisis Pregnancy Centers.

Ms. magazine features Abortion Clinics Online directory - Celebrating 25 yearsAbortion Clinics Online—the first abortion clinic directory—celebrates 25 years of service, despite legal restrictions, court battles and anti-abortion terrorism. read more

Pro-Choice Health Clinics offering non-judgemental reproductive care.ReproClinics lists pro-choice non-judgmental reproductive healthcare providers for patients seeking post-abortion follow-up care, GYN care, sonograms, and gender affirming care.


PBS NEWS HOUR: A Brief But Spectacular take on providing safe abortions

Clip: 11/27/2022

Abortion fees vary from clinic-to-clinic, state-to-state.
Contact the clinics directly for abortion fees, and whether or not, you qualify for discounts or financial help.

ACOL is a paid directory, therefore some clinics may not be listed. Read About Us if you’re not sure where to go for an abortion or what to ask for. ACOL assumes no responsibility. It is your responsibility to be a good medical consumer and ask questions. Our directory does not imply endorsement, nor does exclusion imply disapproval.

It’s Your Body, Your Choice — As with all medical services, you should independently check with licensed physicians who meet community standards. Click here if you want to be listed in ACOL.


National Abortion Federation (NAF) prochoice.orgNational Abortion Federation (“NAF”) provides standards of care, protocols, and clinical education to health care professionals. ACOL is a NAF Preferred Service Provider.

Abortion Care Network (ACN)Abortion Care Network (“ACN”) provides independent abortion providers the tools and resources to keep exceptional, patient-centered abortion care available in communities throughout the United States.

Click here for Late Abortion Clinics

Haga clic aquí Clinicas de Aborto



  • DOJ Drops Idaho Case about Emergency Abortion Care
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 5, 2025 CONTACT: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from NAF President & CEO Brittany Fonteno: The Trump administration’s outrageous move to drop the federal case against Idaho shows that they prioritize their anti-abortion political agenda over the health and lives of women and pregnant people. It flies in the face of good medicine, and shows that they… […]
  • Trump Reinstates Global Gag Rule
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 24, 2025 CONTACT: naf@berlinrosen.com  Today, President Trump reinstated the Global Gag Rule. Originally authored during the Reagan Administration, the Global Gag Rule prohibits international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive U.S. government funds from using their own private funds to provide abortions. The policy also prevents NGOs from lobbying their own government for a change… […]