Abortion Clinics Near Me

What are Crisis Pregnancy Centers?

A Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC), sometimes called a Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC), is a type of nonprofit organization established to counsel pregnant women against having an abortion.

Crisis Pregnancy Centers that “qualify” as medical clinics may provide pregnancy testing, sonograms, and other services. Many often state that they qualify as a medical clinic, but in fact they do not. And most definitely, none of them offer abortion services. Crisis Pregnancy Centers are fake abortion clinics.


A search for an abortion clinic on the major search engines may give you results that are FAKE abortion clinics. Our online directory AbortionClinics.com lists reputable abortion clinics that are REAL clinics.

When searching for an abortion clinic online, many of the search results are FAKE clinics (#FakeClinics) acting like they are abortion clinics.

The Crisis Pregnancy Centers pay Google Adwords to post their ads using the search term “abortion clinics”. This is patently deceitful, but Google allows it anyway, even though it violates their advertising policies.

It’s hard to tell whether or not the CPC’s websites are REAL or FAKE. The fake clinics create slick websites that are meant to confuse and deceive someone into thinking they’ll get accurate information about abortion. When, in fact, the website provides NO abortions, NO factual information about abortion, and actually will lie to women about abortion.

Read Article: Grom Gizmodo – (https://gizmodo.com/how-google-maps-leads-women-seeking-abortions-astray-1822882758)

According to NARAL’s research, using the search engine to find “abortion clinics” led users to a crisis pregnancy center about 79 percent of the time, creating mass confusion considering the CPC’s often deliberate use of names similar to existing abortion clinics.

To ensure that you find a REAL abortion clinic, go to the following:

How can you tell if a website is from a real abortion clinic or fake clinic?

#RealClinics - AbortionClinics.com reputable abortion clinics badge | Crisis Pregnancy Centers are not abortion clinics. Stay away from Fake Clinics

A FAKE clinic website will use words such as “Abortion Counseling”, “Totally Free Services”, “Unplanned Pregnancy”, “Pregnant? Scared?”, etc. The website of a REAL abortion clinic will give you information on abortion procedures and prices and will answer your questions directly when you call. They will not lie to you or try to scare you away from having an abortion. If you are unsure — view our lists of reputable abortion clinics for a REAL abortion clinic.

How do FAKE abortion clinics (or Crisis Pregnancy Center) mislead you?

Crisis Pregnancy Centers are centers usually run by an anti-abortion organization or a religious group whose mission is to keep you from having an abortion.

They may lie on their website or on the phone to get you inside the doors. You will think you are going in for an abortion, but once inside they will give you false information and delay.

You need to ask directly when making the appointment: “Do you provide abortion services?” The only services a FAKE clinic will offer ask “counseling”, pregnancy tests and some times sonograms. The pregnancy tests are often the kind you find in the drug store and not a doctor’s or lab’s pregnancy test.

Very seldom do they have licensed medical personnel or nurses or doctors on staff. Be careful giving them your personal information (such as drivers license or medical history) as they have been known to harass patients after they leave. There are about 4,000 FAKE clinics all across the US, but less than 1,000 REAL abortion clinics.

If you mistakenly go to a FAKE abortion clinic, what should you do
Leave immediately and report them to the authorities. Find the REAL clinic near them at https://abortionclinics.com and they will help you report the FAKE clinic. If the FAKE clinic has physically restrained you in any way or refused to allow you to leave, you need to file charges against them with the police. If they harass you afterwards with stalking on phone calls, also report them to the police.

How can you help prevent this online misinformation from deceiving women?
You can report misleading information on Google results or on FAKE clinic websites to Google. Go down to the bottom of a Google search page with the erroneous results and click on Feedback and follow the instructions. You can also give them negative but honest reviews on Google.

And to boot, FAKE abortion clinics are often funded by your State or Federal taxpayer dollars to lie to you. That’s right. FAKE clinics often get State or Federal funds to pay for their lying and deceptive ways.

Research Information:

Expose Fake Clinics (http://www.exposefakeclinics.com)

More information about Fake Abortion Clinics – Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Fake Abortion Clinics: How to Detect Them, What to Do About Them

More Anti-Choice Lies: A Republican Scam to Divert Taxpayer Funds for Needy Children to Fake Clinics
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/2/22/1743762/-More-Anti-Choice-Lies-A-Republican-Scam-to-Divert-Taxpayer-Funds-for-Needy-Children-to-Fake-Clinics?_=2018-02-22T07:44:00.556-08:00 <https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/2/22/1743762/-More-Anti-Choice-Lies-A-Republican-Scam-to-Divert-Taxpayer-Funds-for-Needy-Children-to-Fake-Clinics?_=2018-02-22T07:44:00.556-08:00>

How Google Maps Leads Women Seeking Abortions Astray

There’s a Shocking Number of Fake Abortion Clinics in the US: Here’s How to Take Action Against Them (Bustle)

Two Years After Rule Change, NYC Issues First Fines Against Anti-Abortion Fake Clinics (Rewire News)

State Level Republicans Pour Taxpayer Money Into Fake Clinics at an Unprecedented Pace (Rewire News)

Fake Health Centers (NARAL)

How to Expose a Fake Abortion Clinic (Dame Magazine)

Fake Abortion Clinics of America (Vice Video)

New National Women’s Clinic “Third Box” Has Anti-Abortion Past

What to Know About Crisis Pregnancy Centers (Teen Vogue)

Abortion Doesn’t Cause Depression Contrary to what Fake Clinics will tell You

Fake Clinics Outnumber Real Providers 10 to 1 in Texas, Half Receive Government Funding



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