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Will Abortion Make Me Infertile?

For many women, the decision to have an abortion now may make it possible for her to have children in the future. Abortion clinics can help women graduate high school or college, secure a good job, and protect their health. The far right knows that abortion can be scary. Women may worry about whether abortion is safe, or fear that abortion causes breast cancer. Some have heard myths about how abortion damages fertility. Don’t believe the lies. You can have an abortion now and still have a healthy, successful pregnancy in the future.

Abortion and Infertility: Unpacking a Dangerous Myth

Will abortion make me infertile? Abortion Facts - Get the facts!

Abortion does not cause infertility, even when you have a late-term abortion or a complex two-day procedure. There is some evidence that abortion complications may cause fertility problems, such as when a uterine perforation causes scarring. However, these complications are treatable. Even when a person has symptoms years after the abortion, fertility treatments may make pregnancy possible. Even with severe complications, it is virtually unheard of for abortion to eliminate the possibility of a future pregnancy.

The right wing likes to cite correlational research suggesting that people who have abortions are more likely to struggle with infertility. This research looks at correlation, not causation. For example, some studies suggest that pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can cause infertility. People who have abortions are more likely to have pelvic inflammatory disease. But abortion doesn’t cause this disorder. Rather, people who choose abortion are also more likely to have other risk factors for PID.

How to Protect Your Fertility After Abortion

If you’re worried about future fertility, the most important thing you can do is to take care of your health now–whether or not you choose an abortion. Some strategies for better fertility include:

  • Following your doctor’s instructions for post-abortion aftercare, including calling if you have any signs of abortion complications.
  • Practicing safer sex, including minimizing your number of sexual partners.
  • Getting regular STD/STI tests, and seeing a doctor for any STD symptoms.
  • Embracing a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced and varied diet, and good self-care to protect your mental health.

Abortion: A Decision Good Mothers Make

Abortion is more than just an acceptable choice. It can be a moral one that protects you, your unborn child, and any future children you have. Good people have abortions. Good mothers have abortions. About half of women who have abortions already have children, and one study even found that when they are denied abortions, their children suffer.

The belief that abortion affects fertility is rooted in the idea that women deserve punishment for abortion. They do not. Make the right decision for you and your family, and ignore the people who think that women deserve to be punished for having sex.

Call one of the reputable abortion clinics on our directory to any counselor — will an abortion make me infertile.



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