Abortion Clinics Near Me
Connecticut Abortion Clinics


NOTICE: Abortion is LEGAL up to
26 weeks in the state of Connecticut

Since laws change in each states sometimes hourly, we can’t guarantee the accuracy of this notice so please call the clinic directly for more current information.

Click on clinics in other state listings / nearby states to find abortion care near you.


Hartford Gyn Center abortion clinic in Hartford, CT

Find abortion clinics in Connecticut offering the Abortion Pill also known as medication abortion or medicine abortion that can be taken at home. Also listed are Connecticut abortion clinics that offer aspiration abortions / procedural abortions commonly known as surgical abortions (early abortion and late abortion) to women in Connecticut and the surrounding area.

Guttmacher Institute logo abortion clinics researchCLICK HERE – Connecticut Abortion Clinic Regulations

Hartford GYN Center
The Women's Centers - abortion clinis in Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut

Hartford GYN Center – Member of NAF and ACN

  • Abortion Pill up to 11 weeks
  • Procedure Abortion up to 22 weeks
  • IV Sedation
  • Medicaid Accepted
  • Enhanced Private Abortion Available
  • 701 Cottage Grove Rd, Unit C110
  • Bloomfield, CT 06002
  • 860-525-1900 local

Verified Abortion Clinic

Verified Abortion Clinic

Independent Abortion Clinics in Connecticut

Hartford GYN

Hartford Healthcare

Other Trusted Abortion Clinic Resources



Abortion Care Network

National Abortion Federation

Planned Parenthood



  • DOJ Drops Idaho Case about Emergency Abortion Care
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 5, 2025 CONTACT: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from NAF President & CEO Brittany Fonteno: The Trump administration’s outrageous move to drop the federal case against Idaho shows that they prioritize their anti-abortion political agenda over the health and lives of women and pregnant people. It flies in the face of good medicine, and shows that they… […]
  • Trump Reinstates Global Gag Rule
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 24, 2025 CONTACT: naf@berlinrosen.com  Today, President Trump reinstated the Global Gag Rule. Originally authored during the Reagan Administration, the Global Gag Rule prohibits international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive U.S. government funds from using their own private funds to provide abortions. The policy also prevents NGOs from lobbying their own government for a change… […]