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Frequently Asked Questions by Abortion Providers about ACOL

If you do not find an answer to the following frequently asked questions about advertising on Abortion Clinics Online, do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Why should I list my abortion clinic on Abortion Clinics Online directory?
From an advertising perspective, your clinic’s website has the unique ability to REACH PROSPECTIVE PATIENTS in the comfort and privacy of their home, office, or basically anywhere if they are using a mobile device. Abortion clinic websites give a prospective patient a glance into their office/practice or clinic by posting images in full color with loads of valuable information at a MUCH LOWER cost than conventional print advertising.

When should my clinic get involved?
Any business that is NOT on the internet is NOT GROWING. To ensure your opportunities of exposure and ability to take advantage of millions of prospective patients, it would be a wise business decision to GET LISTED as soon as possible. Especially, if you’re a new office — you can easily be buried by your competition if they’ve been advertising on the internet for years.

Does my clinic need a computer to advertise?
No — You do not need to be online yourself or even have a computer in order to have an abortion clinic listing on Abortion Clinics Online. Remember, you are advertising to women that are already online searching for your services. We’ll place your listing under the State and City where you are located with the name of your business and telephone numbers to reach you directly.

What is the bottom line cost?
We charge a flat rate for ONE State Listing. (see rates) We accept payments, if paying up front is not convenient for you. With your 1 state listing on our PRIMARY ACOL directory you will also be listed on our ‘sister’ directories for FREE. View here: AbortionClinicPages.com and BirthControlPages.com

Will I advertise to women all over the world?
Yes. With the ever growing “abortion” challenges nationwide, many women are having to travel outside their home state seeking abortion care in other states. Also, many European and other foreign travelers are traveling to reputable abortion providers in the United States. Our main focus is inform women in the vicinity of your practice.

How will they find my abortion clinic listing?
Anyone with internet access on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone can find abortion clinics on the internet by doing one of the following:

  1. Type the website address (URL) in their browser’s URL bar (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer are search engines)
  2. Surfing the net under the search keyword or keyword phrases like “‘abortion” or “abortion clinic”
  3. Entering the name of your business in the search engines search box
  4. On Abortion Clinics Online directory searching for an abortion clinic in their State and City; or by searching for a specific abortion service that you provide if you’re listed under Search Clinic By Services.

How will I know they found me?
A few different options are available for you to track your business. One way is to insert Google Analytics tracking code on your site that shows the referring sites’ URLs of to your site. We’re in the process of installing a tracking system on our site that will provide us with data showing which and how many outbound links are clicked on. You can also have your front office staff keep record of how incoming patients found your practice.

Can I design my own website and have it listed on your directory?
Yes. You absolutely can design or have a professional website designer like Consultel, Inc. design an abortion clinic site for you — just provide us with the website address to link to. You may also provide us with your own display ads. Online abortion clinics not listed on the ACOL directory get about 1/8th of the hits as ACOL clinics.

How long does it take to before we are listed LIVE?
Normally, if we have to create a website for you it can take up to 6 to 10 weeks. Once your website has been completed, your ACOL listings will be posted within 48 hours of receiving your full advertising payment or partial payment. If you already have a live site, we can list your clinic upon receipt of payment within 48 hours.

How often can I make changes to my ACOL listing?
As often as you like. We will change your clinic listing as often as you wish FREE of charge.

Click here to read comments from ACOL clinics about their advertising experience on Abortion Clinics Online.


WHAT PEOPLE SAY | DISPLAY ADS | How Will People Find My Business?




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