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Category Archives: Pregnancy

  1. Celebrate Black Maternal Health Week (BMHW)

    Celebrate Black Maternal Health Week (BMHW) This week is a reminder that so many families experience pain, neglect, and loss during what should be one of the most joyous times of their lives. It is an urgent call for action. Black women in America are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than…

  2. Could Bleeding Between Periods Mean I’m Pregnant?

    Almost all women experience spotting between periods at least once during their lives. One study found that in a given year, the average woman’s period varies in length by 9 days, which can make it really difficult to determine whether bleeding is your period, spotting, or something else. If you’re concerned about becoming pregnant, though,…

  3. Can I Get Pregnant? How to Tell if You’re Fertile

    In a given year, 85% of women who have regular sex without protection will get pregnant. But this number obscures a more complex reality: to get pregnant, you have to have sex during a fertile time. This means the more sex you have, the higher the odds are of getting pregnant. Even a single instance…

  4. Pregnancy and Childbirth Endanger Women’s Lives

    Pregnancy and Childbirth Endanger Women’s Lives and Health: “Pregnancy Is Not a Benign Condition” 2/13/2022 by CARRIE N. BAKER | Article Why are we warned in lurid detail about the minimal risks of abortion, but not told a word about the tremendous risks of continuing a pregnancy? Outside the U.S. Supreme Court before oral arguments in Dobbs v….

  5. Where Can I Get the Morning After Pill?

    The morning-after pill, known also as Plan B, is a type of birth control that can prevent you from getting pregnant if taken within 24 hours of unprotected sex. Importantly, it is not an abortion, and will not cause an abortion if you are already pregnant. So where can you get the morning after pill?…

  6. 10 Medical Rights Pregnant People Have During Birth

    10 Important Medical Rights Pregnant People Have in the Hospital and During Birth The fight for reproductive rights has primarily focused on safe and legal abortion. But abortion is just one component of this important social justice movement. Pregnant people often find that doctors ignore their wishes and needs. You have a right to control…

  7. Got a positive and a negative pregnancy test. What does this mean?

    We’ve all heard the expression that you can’t be just a little bit pregnant. But in the early days of pregnancy, when you’re desperate to get an accurate result from a pregnancy test, it turns out you can be. Getting a positive pregnancy test followed by a negative one is actually pretty common–and universally nerve-wracking,…

  8. 5 Ways to Get Help to Pay for an Abortion

    5 Ways to Get Help to Pay for an Abortion Thanks to the Hyde Amendment, there’s no federal public funding for abortion. Anti-choice activists laud this as a pro-life outcome. But when women can’t afford abortions, they wait longer. This can lead to a lengthier and costlier procedure later in the pregnancy. That’s an outcome…

  9. Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions Harm Women

    Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions Harm Women Republicans have long promised to “repeal and replace” the law that made coverage for pre-existing medical conditions mandatory. Prior to the Affordable Care Act, people with medical issues dubbed pre-existing conditions were denied health care, even if they had paid for insurance for years. An $8 billion last-minute fix attempts…

  10. How the Republican Replacement for the Affordable Care Act Will Affect Women’s Health

    Repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act has been a rallying cry of the GOP for eight years. Now that they’re finally getting their chance, Republican leaders are struggling to find a politically acceptable replacement for the Affordable Care Act. Obamacare greatly expanded women’s access to healthcare, so Republican attempts at repeal pose a direct threat…



  • DOJ Drops Idaho Case about Emergency Abortion Care
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 5, 2025 CONTACT: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from NAF President & CEO Brittany Fonteno: The Trump administration’s outrageous move to drop the federal case against Idaho shows that they prioritize their anti-abortion political agenda over the health and lives of women and pregnant people. It flies in the face of good medicine, and shows that they… […]
  • Trump Reinstates Global Gag Rule
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 24, 2025 CONTACT: naf@berlinrosen.com  Today, President Trump reinstated the Global Gag Rule. Originally authored during the Reagan Administration, the Global Gag Rule prohibits international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive U.S. government funds from using their own private funds to provide abortions. The policy also prevents NGOs from lobbying their own government for a change… […]