Best Abortion Clinics Near Me: What Sets Them Apart Finding the best abortion clinic near you is about ensuring access to safe, compassionate, and professional care. Reputable clinics prioritize patient comfort, maintain high safety standards, and offer comprehensive services. Here are features that set them apart: 1. Comprehensive Services The best clinics offer both medical…
Category Archives: Abortion Issues
Avoiding Reproductive Coercion: Protecting Yourself Against Forced Pregnancy
Avoiding Reproductive Coercion As states attempt to limit access to abortion clinics, abusive men across the country are increasingly embracing a new strategy: reproductive coercion. This is the practice of coercing a partner into a pregnancy–or, in some cases, outright forcing them through deceit or physical violence. Simply being aware of this new phenomenon may…
Under Constant Death Threat for Performing Late Abortions
I Live Under Constant Death Threat for Performing Abortions Late in Pregnancy by Carter Sherman, VICE News February 10, 2022, 6:00am | article “I know that if somebody is determined to kill me, they will.” Warren Hern hadn’t planned to dedicate his life to performing abortions. After the Supreme Court legalized the procedure nationwide in…
10 Medical Rights Pregnant People Have During Birth
10 Important Medical Rights Pregnant People Have in the Hospital and During Birth The fight for reproductive rights has primarily focused on safe and legal abortion. But abortion is just one component of this important social justice movement. Pregnant people often find that doctors ignore their wishes and needs. You have a right to control…
Being Abused? Get Help When Seeking an Abortion
Physical and psychological abuse within a relationship top the list of reasons women seek abortions. And for a smaller fraction of children and young women, abuse is at the hands of their parents, in the form of incest or other sexual abuse. No one can force you into an abortion or stop you from having…
Do I Have to Look at an Ultrasound to Have an Abortion?
If you’re considering having an abortion, one of the most frustrating realizations you may come to is that the state wants to interfere in your medical decisions. States across the country have enacted sweeping abortion laws that have nothing to do with protecting women–and everything to do with guilting them for choosing abortion. Looking at…
Opposed to abortion justify Biden vote
For those of you who have family and friends opposed to abortion, voted for Trump in 2016 and now are struggling to justify a Biden vote, the following is from a pro- lifer’s post explaining WHY she is changing her vote in 2020. You may find this helpful. From an ardent pro-lifer; “I have felt…
Dr. Ford, Patriot and Hero, Tries To Save Us All
Five women have now accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual abuse. Yet just 32% of Americans say they believe her. Why is the collective voice of five women less important than the impotent denials of one man? Why We Still Don’t Believe Women About Sexual Assault In 2014, Bill Cosby’s first accuser came forward. Cosby had…
10 Things to Protect Reproductive Rights
10 Things to Protect Reproductive Rights, Stop Kavanaugh Dozens of pieces have thoughtfully itemized how Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s Supreme Court pick, will destroy abortion rights, gut religious freedom, and send us back to the pre-civil rights dark ages. But Kavanaugh’s approval is not a foregone conclusion. Even Mitch McConnell cautioned the president that the large…
Fake Clinics Outnumber Real Clinics 10-1
Fake Clinics Outnumber Real Clinics 10-1, TX Half Receive Govt Funding More than 200 fake abortion clinics operate in Texas, according to a Rewire.News analysis. Fake abortion clinics, sometimes called crisis pregnancy centers, lure women in with promises of free pregnancy tests. They may also masquerade as abortion clinics. When women arrive, they’re met with…