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Abortion Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic

What you need to know about abortion safely during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic is scary even if you’re planning to have a child. If you’re not, it can be downright terrifying, especially as states have seized upon the pandemic as a chance to roll back abortion rights. Abortion remains legal, so don’t believe scare tactics or crisis pregnancy centers. If you need to get an abortion safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, here are some strategies that can make it as safe as possible.

Be Mindful of Risk

Abortion clinics are doing all they can to reduce the risk of spreading the virus by taking the necessary abortion safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenge is that these are small operations. Waiting rooms present a challenge, and protesters outside the clinic may spread the virus. Even in the safest and cleanest exam rooms, there’s still a small risk of contracting the virus from a medical professional or from a previous patient. So you shouldn’t assume that, just because it’s a medical facility, there’s a lower risk of getting sick.

Instead, adopt these common sense measures:

  • Wear a mask the entire time you are in the clinic. N95 masks work best. If you do not have an N95 mask, consider double-masking with a surgical mask and a cloth mask with a filter. A face shield may also help.
  • Wash your hands every time you touch another surface. Consider taking hand sanitizer in your pocket.
  • Avoid close contact with others. If you must make close contact with another person, sit near people who are masked.
  • If anyone is unmasked, ask them to please put a mask on. Or talk to the clinic.

Abortion Safely During the COVID-19 PandemicConsider a Telemedicine Abortion

Telemedicine abortion allows you to get an abortion without going to a clinic. Instead, you get a prescription for an abortion pill, then take the pill from the comfort of your own home. This option is safe and effective, and many clinics offer it up to about 10 weeks. So you’ll need to seek care early.

Consider Vaccination

If you choose a surgical abortion or you need a two-day procedure, your exposure will be higher. If you are high-risk, consider getting vaccinated before the procedure. The Moderna and Pfizer shots require two doses four weeks apart. Full immunity takes about two weeks after that, so you’ll need a total of six weeks. If you can schedule an immunization in the next few days, you may be able to fully vaccinate in time for the procedure, but you’ll need to act quickly. Johnson and Johnson requires only one shot.

Many states allow pregnant people to be vaccinated, so check your state’s immunization guidelines and register today.

For people who need to get a abortion in the first trimester, you’ll need to get the first shot no later than 6 weeks into your pregnancy.

Ask About COVID Precautions

Every clinic is different, especially since state and local COVID regulations vary so widely. So call around and ask what precautions the clinic is taking. Some questions to ask include:

  • Will I have to wait in a crowded waiting room or is waiting in a private room or my car an option?
  • Have your staff been vaccinated?
  • Are you requiring masks of everyone who comes in?
  • What are you doing to slow the spread of the COVID pandemic?

Abortion Clinics Online can help you find a compassionate, safe, abortion clinic. Begin your clinic search here.

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