Abortion Clinics Near Me

Spotlight: Heritage Clinic for Women, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Spotlight: Heritage Clinic for Women, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Heritage Clinic for Women - abortion clinic in Grand Rapids, Michigan




Heritage Clinic for Women
320 East Fulton
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
phone: 616-458-3694
toll free: 800-345-1393

Professionals Dedicated to Providing Quality Care Since 1973

Heritage Clinic for Women provides a caring and confidential environment focused on women and their reproductive and emotional health. Every woman facing a difficult reproductive choice deserves a respectful surrounding where she can gather factual information, explore all her options and receive sensitive support.

Services offered:

» Medical (Non-Surgical) Abortion up to 10 weeks LMP » Pre and Post Abortion Counseling
» Surgical (Suction Curettage) Abortion from 4 weeks 6 days to 14 weeks LMP » Contraceptive Options
» D&E (Dialation & Evacuation) Abortion from 15 weeks to 22 weeks LMP » Ultrasonography
» Conscious Sedation » Pregnancy Test
» Pre-surgical Medications for Pain Control » Hemoglobin and Rh factor Testing

Please Note: Michigan 24 Hour Consent Law – all women in the state of Michigan choosing to have an abortion must schedule an abortion appointment and receive specific state mandated verbal and printed material about pregnancy, parenting and abortion 24 hours before the abortion procedure will occur.

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Consent Laws

Patient Comments

Our abortion clinic services are provided on an outpatient basis and include expert medical attention, confidential counseling and follow-up care in a nonjudgmental setting.

As a member of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), we strive to set the highest standard of care in Michigan while obtaining support from our nationwide community of NAF providers.

Heritage Clinic For Women has been offering gynecological care and abortion services in Grand Rapids, Michigan since 1973.

Thomas J. Gordon, M.D., Gynecologist, is the current Medical Director and has served in this capacity since 1986. He possesses a strong sense of dedication, professionalism and integrity in combination with his medical knowledge and superior skills.

Our entire staff is committed to focusing on the physical and emotional needs of each individual we serve. We embrace the history and wisdom of each woman, the burden of choice resulting from contraceptive failure or human error, and the depth of responsibility involved with parenting, adoption and abortion.

Abortion Clinic Spotlight: Heritage Clinic for Women, Grand Rapids, Michigan is Licensed by the State of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services as a Freestanding Surgical Outpatient Facility.


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