Our Facilities
Garden State Gynecology is a pro-choice medical facility devoted to women’s gynecologic and reproductive health. We specialize in family planning services and women’s healthcare. We offer two convenient locations available to serve all of your reproductive and women’s healthcare needs. Our locations include Women’s Healthcare & Family Planning Centers in Princeton, NJ and Morristown, NJ.
Our physicians are assisted by a caring and compassionate female support staff that includes registered nurses, ultrasound technicians, phlebotomists, trained counselors and certified medical assistants. Our team is dedicated to providing all patients with a safe, competent, and confidential care.
Our facilities are stringently inspected by the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF). AAAASF holds its members to the highest of standards ensuring that patient safety and satisfaction always come first.
Our spacious, upscale, modern facilities are conveniently located in Princeton, NJ and Morristown, NJ. Our facility provides a comfortable setting for your treatment. Garden State Gynecology facilities are located within a large multi-tenant buildings, this allows for the highest levels of privacy for our patients.
NJ abortion provider offering anesthesia services.
Our facility complies with all regulations, standards and guidelines of the following agencies.