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Abortion vs. Miscarriage: What’s the difference?

Abortion vs. Miscarriage

How to Differentiate between Abortion and Miscarriage

When discussing matters related to reproductive health, it is essential to know the distinction between abortion and miscarriage. These both entail the termination of a pregnancy, though they happen under different circumstances with distinct medical and emotional consequences.

What is an Abortion?

A Definition of Abortion:

An abortion refers to the purposeful ending of a pregnancy through medical or surgical means depending on the stage of gestation and the individual’s health demands.

Types Of Abortion:

Medical abortion: Involves the use of tablets, such as mifepristone, misoprostol, etc., to end the pregnancy – typically within ten weeks.

Surgical abortion: A medical procedure performed to remove a pregnancy from the uterus. Common types include suction aspiration (vacuum aspiration), dilation, and curettage (D&C).

Reasons for Abortion:

Abortions are done for several reasons, such as personal choice, fear about one’s health or abnormalities that were diagnosed.

What is a Miscarriage?

Defining Miscarriage:

Miscarriages, also known as spontaneous abortions, are natural pregnancy losses that occur before the 20th week of gestation. It happens without being induced by other artificial means but occurs naturally for different reasons.

Causes of Miscarriage:

They can occur due to chromosomal abnormalities, preexisting maternal illness, infections, and lifestyle factors, among others. Many times, however, the specific cause remains unknown.

Symptoms of Miscarriage:

Common symptoms include vaginal bleeding and cramping along with tissue passage; proper medical assessment is crucial for managing miscarriages correctly while ensuring the safety of patients involved.

Abortion vs. Miscarriage: Principal Differences

Purpose And Characteristic:

Abortion: Purposefully done under medical supervision.

Miscarriage: Accidental and unforced naturally occurring event taking place during the gestation period only.

Psychological And Physical Impact

Both can be mentally tough occasions. Abortion is a choice made with full consciousness by the patient that brings relief or complex emotions depending on her circumstances. Miscarriage can happen without warning, causing sudden grief and experiences of loss.


Abortion: A procedure planned under medical supervision.

Miscarriage: May require medical intervention to complete the expulsion of pregnancy tissue if not naturally expelled from the body. The treatment may be like those given for abortion; one may have to take medications or have surgical procedures.

Abortion vs. Miscarriage, Concluded

For individuals going through their reproductive health journey, understanding the differences between abortion and miscarriage is essential. Both cases are very personal and need much care and support to be handled compassionately. For more information and resources, visit our directory.

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